CKD Capital Geotechnical complete initial research drilling – UKGEOS Project – 100 m deep ground investigation borehole for the British Geological Survey (BGS)

15th December 2021

The UK Geoenergy Observatories (UKGEOS) project aims to establish new centres for world-leading research into the subsurface environment. This project in Cheshire is one of the two geological locations selected, the other being in Scotland. The Cheshire Geoenergy Observatory will comprise approximately 20 No 100 m deep instrumented boreholes.

CKD Capital Geotechnical Drilling Ltd (MGeoD) was commissioned by the British Geological Survey (BGS) to undertake an initial ground investigation borehole to 100 m depth to provide information on the geology at the site, which is required to inform the final array design.

Working closely with the BGS during the preplanning, site works and completion stages ensured the project was delivered to budget and programme.

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